Cruelty-free and free of animal ingredients

A must for every vegan! Vegan lubricant without animal ingredients, manufactured without animal testing during development and production.

A vegan lifestyle is not just limited to the food. Avoiding animal tornment is important in every area of ​​life, including sexuality. Unfortunately, many lubes are not vegan. They are tested on animals or contain animal ingredients, e.g. animal glycerin, which is derived from slaughterhouse waste (a by-product of soap manufacture). An unpleasant idea for every vegan and certainly also for many vegetarians!
However, glycerin can also be produced chemically or (even better) obtained from plants. Unfortunately, in the rarest of cases, the ingredients state which glycerin was used for the lube.

Lubricant for vegans is cruelty-free and natural. With vegan lubricant you can be absolutely sure that it is free of animal ingredients - and also free of animal testing. For a good, natural feeling and sexual pleasure without animal suffering!

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